Fluff and Stuff

Dissertating is now a verb...watch as I perform!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The evil baked potato that did me in...

Ugh. Still recovering, very slowly, from a horrendous bout of food poisoning. A rare occurence for me, especially since I'm vegetarian. I can only assume it was the baked potato I bought yesterday. I'm thinking the sour cream was probably off...all I know is I woke up at 7:00am with major gastric pain that had me huddled in the foetal position, wimpering. I then spent most of the morning yarking up the entire contents of my stomach and then some. This was then followed by a bout of the runs and then more projectile vomiting.

I did manage to drag my weak and weary self to school this evening to screen a movie with my film class. (See, I am a dedicated teacher folks) I'm starting to feel better now and hope that I can attempt to eat some food tomorrow as I didn't even want to try at all today. All this and I have to fly to New York early Friday morning. I better be back in tip-top form by then or it's going to be a miserable journey.


At 2:54 AM, Blogger Monkey McWearingChaps said...

oh dear. Please hydrate. For tasty hydration try seeing if you can get green coconut juice. If not, then down the pedialyte.

I know how you feel, though. A run in with a dodgey looking taqueria off the PCH and I still have a hard time eating Mexican unless we're talking fish tacos.

Yo, enjoy spring break and call me when you and Ming hook up!!!

At 2:54 AM, Blogger Monkey McWearingChaps said...

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At 2:54 AM, Blogger Monkey McWearingChaps said...

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At 10:16 AM, Blogger Violet said...

Hope you're feeling better. There's nothing worse that yakking. I mean, it's my least favorite illness symptom. At any rate, you got a great horror movie title out of it!

At 1:46 PM, Blogger mc said...

man, how are you feeling now? I hope that the worst of it is over. I get food poisoning about 3 times a year, far more often than anyone else I know. I'll second monkey's advice, keep hydrated! Especially since you'll be flying tomorrow. Usually these violent bouts of poisoning arrive suddenly and then the symptoms disappear rapidly. I will talk to you tonight. Take care of yourself.


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