Fluff and Stuff

Dissertating is now a verb...watch as I perform!

Monday, December 05, 2005


Welcome to my blog! Feel free to read my profile to learn more about me and my interests. But in a nutshell, I'm an aspiring writer of paranormal chick-lit/romance. At the moment, I'm trying to shop around my first novel (which I've completed). I recently had an agent write back asking for the first 30 pages of my manuscript. I prompty sent them off to her after a night of anxious minutae editing and I'm now waiting (potentially up to 2 nerve-wracking months) to hear back from her, at which point she'll either ask to see more or tell me she's not interested. It's all very exciting, but also stressful. In order to keep myself from freaking out entirely, I've begun work on the sequel (I'm envisioning the first novel as the beginning of a series). I've already hit the 65 page mark on novel 2, and I'm getting psyched up to begin a really hot scene that's been lurking in the back of my mind ever since I finished the first book.


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