Fluff and Stuff

Dissertating is now a verb...watch as I perform!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Food, Fun, and Friends

Last night I got a call from one of my best friends from undergrad. Huzzah! She has now been added to my list of blogging pals (see Monkey!). Anyway, it was so wonderful chatting with her. I really miss the good old days when we were roommates. It was like a non-stop sleepover! We have very similar living habits, so besides the occassional dispute, we got on famously. We watched movies, shared romance novels, went shopping together, gorged ourselves on the cheap Indian buffet down the street, and shared music. It was so great. It's hard to believe that it's been nearly six years since we graduated (eek!) and she's now a lawyer living the good life in southern California. (sigh, so jealous!) I on the other hand am still in school. Blargh. Must finish dissertation....

Anyway, Monkey has read my novel and she loved it! Yay! She's also thinking about writing her own chick-lit/romance novel about a lawyer, which I am offering my strong support for. We were riffing some ideas last night and I think she has all kinds of fabulous potential. She's always been a good writer and she is particularly adept at the witty quip or repartee. I can already forsee that her dialogue will have me in stitches. Good luck Monkey!

Meanwhile, I'm organizing a Yuletide Potluck at my abode this evening. I've already got the crockpot Chocolate Pudding Cake cooking away (it smells divine!) and I'm getting ready to start the veggie lasagna. I'm also going to try my hand at making mulled wine, but I'll wait a little closer to time before starting that. My guest list has expanded quite crazily and I'm wondering if we will all fit in my small one bedroom apartment. I sure hope so. Well, we'll just be "cozy" let's put it that way. And it seems like everyone is bringing fabulous food with them. It's going to be a veritable feast! A cornucopia of potluck goodness! I'm glad I've only eaten crackers and hummus today...I must save room for all the tasty offerings.


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